Monday, 16 July 2007

The Afterguard goes live with in-depth coverage of America's Cup & TeamOrigin

Confused+Emotional is pleased to announce the launch of a sister-blog, The Afterguard, to cater to our increasing preoccupation with all things America's Cup and Great Britain's TeamOrigin.

The Afterguard will bring you all the latest in America's Cup racing, with a special emphasis on the developments at TeamOrigin, Great Britain's bid to win the 33rd and 34th competitions.

Confused+Emotional (this site) will continue to bring you news of:
  • Apple Inc.
  • Palm Smartphones
  • TomTom
  • F1
  • as well as our general musings.

Please feel free to bookmark both sites, and keep us on our toes by adding comments whenever you can.

Both Afterguard and Confused+Emotional will carry sailing posts for the time being, until everyone gets used to the changes , after which we'll withdraw sailing coverage to Afterguard alone - thank you for your understanding.

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