Monday, 25 June 2007

There has to be somewhere to start

In keeping with the premise of this blog, its start isn't likely to be promising. I have to begin somewhere, and I've resisted the temptation to say goodbye and delete my account - that'll no doubt come later.

Why? I'm still trying to work that out... I guess I must have a need to express myself, so I've chosen to try to do so here...

There'll be a little technology: Apple, Palm, Blackberry, TomTom, Windoze et all.

There'll be a little personal interests: Tropical Fish, Course Fishing, Yachting, F1, breathing.

There'll be rants: Life, Work, Home. Children. Women. The futility of it all.

There'll be more. But always less.

There'll never be accuracy. That I can assure... well, I can't really, but you know what I mean.

Will it last? Only if readers make their presence felt. That means YOU. Say hello. Or else.


Winkernet said...

If I were you I wouldn't start from here.

The Editor said...

The beginning isn't the best place to start from? No wonder I've been getting it so wrong all these years!