Wednesday 27 June 2007

In defence of vegetables

While I don't think it appropriate to allow domestic disputes to spill over into the blogosphere all the time, sometimes there's a need to set the record straight, and in public is as good a place as any...

I like vegetables. Vegetables are good. While they're young and developing, they add colour to the place and keep farmers occupied. When mature they provide a vital source of nutrition and serve as a tasty mealtime accompaniment, an accompaniment to something else. Normally, meat. And plenty of it. Now, I appreciate that some readers might be vegetarian, but let's face it, those who are face constantly being sold on vegetable substitutes for... you guessed it, meat. From fake bacon, sausage & chicken, they're all trying to be something that's missing - yup, meat. This just goes to prove my point, which is when serving vegetables at mealtime, at least pretend there's meat in there somewhere. I rest my case.


Anonymous said...

I shouldn't feel the need to defend my vegetable casserole, however I have been forced to.
Having had a nasty cold virus, I thought I should give my immune system a boost and a healthy dose of veg would work better than vitamin pills. Being the caring person I am, I also thought my beloved should be given the same consideration, after all, he had been exposed to my germs.

In hindsight, i shouldn't have bothered. I should have let him catch the lurgy and take to his bed. However, the thought of the non-stop whinging was more than I could bear.

The Editor said...

Erm... some battles are best left unfought! Now, where did I put the number of that florist?